Secrets to attracting new clients

When you open up a veterinary clinic, getting new people to try out your business isn't always easy. You want to achieve a reasonable number of loyal customers who will keep you busy, so you can focus on great pets and not constantly attracting new people.

If you're new, small, or in a very competitive market, you may be wondering how you can get new clients in the door. You can't win people over with your spectacular customer service if they haven't visited in the first place. Here are a few tips on how you can encourage new customers to give you a chance.

Start a veterinary blog

These days, a lot of interaction with clients is done online. Nearly everyone has a smart phone, and when they're looking for a new place to visit, they tend to check out reviews and websites first before visiting.

 An active blog that is regularly updated can give them something to see when they search for you, and sound advice on health care or pet ownership will help them see you as an authority on the subject.

Embrace social media

A facebook page customers can contact you through, or an instagram account featuring snaps of favorite clients helps customers feel connected, and makes sharing easier. Posting videos on YouTube or Vimeo can also help attract attention and create sharable links that will help you spread the word about your office.

Video sharing has been a favorite way for clients to learn about different brands. A recent Google study found that as much as 50% of smart phone users used videos from barands as a way to decide if they wanted to use them.

Show customer's behind the scenes

When your dog or cat gets taken to the back for shots or other services, customers often feel helpless or even suspicious of what is going on. Showing people the faces and personalities of the team handling their dog can both reassure them that their dog is being handled fairly even when no one can see, and also help clients feel a sense of connection with those people. 

It might not seem like much, but if you know that Tiny is going back with someone who also owns a Mastiff and appreciates their small quirks, you'll be more likely to let the Neopolitan Mastiff club know about your great experience.

Give your customer's a gift

Customers love swag, whether it's a leash with your clinic's name on it, a tennis ball, or a pen. Merchandise also has a side benefit, these gifts will also work as advertising to help familiarize other people with your clinic. 

Showing your current clients your appreciation will not only improve their loyalty, it will also give them a talking point when people ask them if they like their vet or not.

With so many clinics available for your client to choose from, setting yourself apart can be hard. These tips will help make a difference. Rise above other clinics with these tips that help show clients your clinic is a cut above the rest.



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