Three easy ways to improve customer retention

Over the past few decades, pets have ascended from working animals to members of the family. Pet owners lavish their dogs with the best care possible, and are often quick to take their pet to a different veterinary clinic if they don't feel their pet is being treated properly.

In order to retain customers, you need an approach that gives customers a reason to stay with you—and not try that other office down the street.

Customer Service

Although the veterinarian is the person clients are coming to see, there is a whole team of other people they come into contact with. A receptionist that is pleasant to schedule with and has a cheerful greeting for every customer, and vet techs who remember each patient, can make a big difference in whether people decide to stay or go.

Customer service is one of the biggest reasons why people leave too. It's insulting when a coupon isn't honored, the receptionist is rude on the phone, or a mistake is covered up rather than fixed. Customers don't like it when their pets are treated like livestock, and will be quick to leave if they feel the staff is too rough or careless with their furry friends.

Client education

Even great customer service isn't always enough to compete with other offices. Your clinic can help distinguish itself by offering client education on their website or in a newsletter pet parents can receive each month. 

By sharing knowledge about improving pet care, you can help establish yourself as a knowledgeable center clients can rely on, as well as giving them a reason to keep your business fresh in their mind. It can also help you keep your clients healthy, by reminding customers about the importance of basic health care such as dental screenings and weight maintenance. 

Additional products and services

Convenience is another perk customers respond well to. If they can also get their dog groomed at your office (with the benefit of knowing vets are just across the hallway should something go wrong) or pick up their dog food, customers are more likely to stay.

Investing in tools such as cold laser therapy and ozone therapy may help separate you from other clinics who don't offer these. When you know that your vet offers special care other vets don't have, clients may be more inclined to stay since they already know you and your staff.



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