Five things that matter most to millennials

In just a few months, around 3000 veterinary students will be walking the stage in their cap and gown. If you are looking to hire a new graduate, you need to understand what matters most, especially when there are more jobs than veterinarians. 

Below are five things millennial vet students want most from their job:

A good salary and benefits.  Student debt is higher than ever and the top concern of most graduates.  Providing competitive pay and benefits is very important.   

Work/life balance. We really want free time to spend with our friends and enjoy our lives. We want to work hard and play hard. 

Mentorship. It is very important that we work in a supportive environment.  This will allow us to continue learning and become confident in our career.

Location, location, location. Some of us dream of life in a busy city and others want the simple country life.  But we all want to live in areas where we can enjoy our life outside of the clinic.  Highlight what your town offers in your job advertisement, whether you are 1 hour from the Appalachian Trail, 30 minutes to the city by

Culture. Positive work culture is vital to attracting and retaining a millennial associate. We will likely want to visit for one or multiple days in order to meet the veterinarians and support staff to assess culture.  We want to treat others with respect and courtesy and expect the same from our team mates.


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