Dr. Jessica Fusch gets her groove back

Dr. Jessica Fusch, a 2011 graduate of the University of Florida made a commitment a few years ago to get healthy. After having her third child and struggling with weight gain, she made a change for the better and has now lost over 65 pounds.

Vet Candy caught up with Dr. Fusch to find out how she did it and why she wants us all to live healthier and happier lives.

Before having kids, were you fit?

I got the body building bug in high school and I was also a dressage rider/horse trainer so yes I was in shape but, I was always bigger than other girls my age in high school and undergrad.

In undergrad I trained myself to live the gym but, also rebelled against my mother’s strict eating guidelines. We didn’t have junk foods in my house so I would make cookie dough or even just mix butter with sugar and eat that alone in my room. Whenever I went to friends’ houses I would chow down on sweets and junk foods.

After having kids, how did your fitness/health change?

Starting out in practice was rough!! I gained 30 pounds my first gear out of vet school. In vet school I used the gym to manage stress but, with working so much And I had a 3-year-old when I graduated, so I had little time or energy to hit the gym.

How unhealthy were you?  

Mentally I was very unhealthy. First, I thought I had made a huge mistake and wasted years and hundreds of thousands of dollars on pursuing a veterinary career. This self-doubt took a huge toll on me physically too. The weight gain and increasingly poor eating habits and excessive drinking led to even more depression.

My third son was born so close to my second, I found myself completely overwhelmed! I still questioned my career choice. But I couldn’t be a stay at home mom either. I was obese and my hormones were completely out of whack. I felt like a failure and had moments where I thought of hurting myself or just prayed to die.

What made you change your lifestyle?

I hated being obese. I couldn’t cross my legs. I couldn’t walk up a couple flights of stairs without struggling. My thighs rubbed together, and I got rashes on them.

I have always read self-help books and followed spiritual and thought leaders like Wayne Dyer and Gabby Bernstein and Louise Hay. I was also lucky enough to be a student of Michael Singer. He gives talks in Alachua for free three times a week about yoga teachings and philosophy. He teaches that we do not need to control what happens around us and if we try to we will be miserable.  Their teachings and techniques helped so much!

What did you do?

I tried to eat healthy and work out more on my own for a couple years with little success. Then in 2018,  I got real accountability! First through a place called metabolic weight loss centers that sold special foods. Then in July I got my current coach who is a veterinary technician and a fitness competitor. She creates my meal plans and workouts for me.  The workouts are intense and long. Harder than I have ever done before and I am being even more consistent than ever.

What was your goals and how long did it take to reach them?

My goal is to compete in fitness. I have not reached that hey but, I am finally back to what is more of a normal weight for me! I have lost 65 pounds in the last year.

What's your current plan for keeping a healthy lifestyle?

I have a macro diet coach and I check in weekly. It’s amazing!! I love the macro diet because I love the fact you can have any food groups. It has taken me three years of a lot of work to get good mentally and physically. I’ve had many set backs, but, I have seen the light now and I really want to stay healthy.

Dr. Jessica gives three tips to live a healthier lifestyle:

1.     Being healthy feels so good -focus on reaching your goals.

2.     Just stick to it! It’s a slow process but don’t quit.

3.     Accountability is key!!  Make smaller obtainable goal along the way and focus on reaching them.  It’s needs to be more than just a number on a scale


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