How to deal with an overly competitive person in the workplace

We all have that one team member who takes friendly competitions in the workplace a little too far. They look at sales goals like some people look at bars of chocolate, and they will trample everyone in their rush to be #1.


Competition can be healthy, and even fun under the right circumstances. It drives us to be the best version of ourselves, and can help make achieving workplace goals more fun. When it is taken too far though, the exact opposite can happen.


If you’re not a very competitive person, you can feel like you’re being run over and bullied by those who are. If it’s always about who can complete a job the fastest, the result could also be a drop in quality.


Set Boundaries

If your colleagues are trying to lure you into their competitions, don’t buy in. Let them know that the only person you want to compete with is yourself. It’s important to stay calm, especially if they are actively trying to get a rise out of you. Take a deep breath, and remember the only person who can really control you is yourself.

Talk with them about it

If you don’t enjoy competition, getting relief may be as simple as having a conversation with your colleagues to discuss it. They may not be aware they are making you uncomfortable, especially if you’ve gone along with competitions in the past to get along.

Harness that competitive streak

Even if you aren’t competitive yourself, there’s no reason you and your competitive colleague can’t work together for the benefit of a project. Competitive colleagues are often more likely to shoulder more work, motivate other team members, and will try to perform to their highest degree.

Redirecting their energy into using those talents for the project, and not just for being the best, can be a solution that works best for everyone.


Competitive colleagues have their ups and downs, but there’s no reason you can’t work together. Use these tips to make the most out of your team work.

A.M. Kuska

A.M. Kuska is a freelance writer with over a decade of experience. Always curious about the world, she spends her free time conducting weird experiments and poking her nose where it doesn't belong.


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